Growth Management Strategies

Following the completion of Growth Management Strategies for both the Bremner and Colchester areas, a comparison matrix of the two growth nodes was provided to Council on March 22, 2016 to assist in their decision on where to grow. Although growth management strategies were completed for both the Bremner and Colchester areas; only the Bremner Growth Management Strategy was endorsed by Council to proceed to the next stage of planning.

A growth management strategy is a high-level document that describes and illustrates a vision, community design concept and set of policy directions intended to guide more detailed planning should the county decide to proceed with development. 

It identifies potential locations for residential neighbourhoods, commercial areas and employment areas. It also identifies potential locations for major roads and other infrastructure networks, such and water and wastewater servicing.

Information in the growth management strategies assisted Council in comparing how growth could occur between different areas in the County. The growth management strategies also provided a foundation that informed the Bremner and LEA Area Concept Plan.

Last updated: Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Page ID: 45403