Strathcona County inviting resident feedback about possible indoor recreation fieldhouse

October 7, 2020

Strathcona County inviting resident feedback about possible indoor recreation fieldhouse

As part of its community recreation planning, Strathcona County is exploring the feasibility of a new indoor multi-use fieldhouse. This approach is based on the County’s Recreation and Culture Strategy’s findings that indoor field space, gymnasium/court space and fitness tracks are top development priorities for community recreational use.

The proposed indoor fieldhouse could include a “full-size” non-boarded indoor turf with walking/running track, multi-use court spaces, multi-use meeting and program rooms and a social gathering/lobby space.

The fieldhouse could accommodate a variety of indoor activities, including, but not limited to; baseball, softball, slo-pitch, soccer, football, rugby, lacrosse, field and ball hockey, running, walking, basketball, volleyball, bocce, pickleball and more.

If approved, depending on the size, type, and scope of facility chosen, the overall cost for the facility (based on preliminary work done to date) ranges from $48M to $90M. These estimates consider the cost of building and site-related capital costs.

For context, the proposed facility could be about two-thirds the size of Millennium Place. The indoor field and multi-purpose court space surface area could be approximately 150,000 sq ft., making it significantly larger than the indoor fields currently at Millennium Place. A site has not yet been selected for this potential project.

Current design and facility elements consider community needs growth projection, accessibility and alignment with the Strathcona County Recreation and Culture Strategy, Tourism Strategy and Social Framework, along with construction capital cost and long-term operating reviews.

Community input
In 2018, Council supported the exploration of a fieldhouse development based on emerging community needs, expression of interest from community groups and alignment with the Recreation and Culture Strategy.

Residents are invited to share their views about the proposed indoor fieldhouse through an online survey open now, until October 28, 2020. Visit or call 780-467-2211 for assistance in filling out the survey. Limit of one survey per household, please.

Strathcona County recently completed exploratory conversations with a variety of community groups, representing over 9,000 participants/residents who could use the indoor fieldhouse amenities. Feedback indicated interest in accessing the multi-use spaces outlined in the indoor fieldhouse. For a summary of the initial community group feedback, visit

Next steps
Next steps include sharing the public survey responses with Council as part of their consideration for the indoor fieldhouse, at an upcoming Council meeting later this fall.

For more information about the proposed indoor fieldhouse, visit or call 780-467-2211.

Implementing the Recreation and Culture Strategy
The new Recreation and Culture Strategy focuses on five key areas: community needs, inclusion, building capacity, environmental stewardship and fiscal responsibility. These areas of focus serve to inform the priorities in the draft implementation plan. The detailed 12-year implementation plan has been developed with short, medium and long-term priorities, including public investment recommendations. The plan is expected to be presented for Council approval in Fall 2020. The Indoor Fieldhouse project is in alignment with the recommendations and priorities identified by the community through the development of the Recreation and Culture Strategy. Visit for more information about the draft implementation plan.

Set in the centre of Alberta’s energy and agricultural heartland, Strathcona County is a thriving, successful and vibrant community of over 98,000 residents. Strathcona County is made up of the urban area of Sherwood Park and a large adjacent rural area of farms, acreages and smaller hamlets. It is home to 75 per cent of hydrocarbon processing in Western Canada. Strathcona County is a leader in environmental conservation, and 55 per cent of its land is within the UNESCO Beaver Hills Biosphere. With a focus on economic, governance, social, cultural and environmental sustainability, Strathcona County is committed to balancing the unique needs of its diverse community.


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Contact: Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595