Broadview Enviroservice Station, Ardrossan Recycle Station: closed to respond to COVID-19

March 27, 2020

Broadview Enviroservice Station, Ardrossan Recycle Station: closed to respond to COVID-19

Residents encouraged to stay informed on temporary waste collection service changes

The health and safety of our community, including our staff, remains the top priority as the COVID-19 (novel Coronavirus) situation continues to change rapidly.

To protect everyone’s health and safety, effective end of day Friday, March 27 until further notice:

  • Broadview Enviroservice Station is closed
  • The brush and yard waste services at Broadview are closed
  • Hodgepodge Lodge at Broadview remains closed
  • Ardrossan Recycle Station is closed
  • Future South Cooking Lake recycle events will be postponed
  • Mattresses will not be collected during large item pick-up

Residents are asked to hold on to those items they would normally drop off, until these facilities reopen. Hazardous materials should not be disposed of in the black cart.  Please store safely in a shed or garage.

Use the waste management app to stay informed on temporary waste collection service changes and modifications
Please be aware further temporary changes to waste collection services may be required. Download our waste collection app at

Curbside waste collection
Our waste management contractor is working hard to maintain our regular waste collection schedule. The waste system depends on having materials correctly sorted. You can help prevent unnecessary burden on waste collection capacity by making sure to sort your waste, organics and recycling properly.

There is no limit to the amount of blue bags (recycling) you can leave out for collection. Food scraps, soiled paper, coffee filters and other organic material can go in your green cart (organics) to reduce the amount of waste in your black cart.

Overfilled carts cannot be collected as items spill onto the street, attract birds and animals and delay waste collection. For safety, staff will not be cleaning up spilled waste.

Use the Waste Wizard for tips on spring cleaning
As many of us are staying home these days, you may be doing a little spring cleaning. You may find you have more waste, recycling and organics than normal. Visit to use the Waste Wizard or to download our waste collection app. The Waste Wizard has disposal options for hundreds of common items.

Large household item pick-up
Large item collection is tentatively scheduled to begin on April 21. Mattresses will not be collected at this time. Please keep them stored until Broadview Enviroservice Station is re-opened, or until the next fall event.

Spring yard waste collection
Spring yard waste collection dates are tentatively scheduled May 4 to 8 and June 1 to 5. Extra yard waste will need to be placed in brown compostable paper bags or reusable containers as of May 2020. Clear plastic bags will no longer be accepted.

If you see someone dumping waste you can call RCMP and Enforcement Services at 780-449-0170 to report it. Waste Management Bylaw 39-2014 imposes a fine for people caught dumping waste.  

In light of direction received from Alberta Public Heath on COVID-19, Strathcona County has implemented additional preventative measures to limit the spread of infection and, ultimately, to help keep our employees, customers, community and visitors healthy and safe.

Strathcona County’s Emergency Management Agency continues to action contingency planning and response to COVID-19. Strathcona County's Director of Emergency Management is receiving information directly from the province.

Set in the centre of Alberta’s energy and agricultural heartland, Strathcona County is a thriving, successful and vibrant community of over 98,000 residents. Strathcona County is made up of the urban area of Sherwood Park and a large adjacent rural area of farms, acreages and smaller hamlets. It is home to 75 per cent of hydrocarbon processing in Western Canada. Strathcona County is a leader in environmental conservation, and 55 per cent of its land is within the UNESCO Beaver Hills Biosphere. With a focus on economic, governance, social, cultural and environmental sustainability, Strathcona County is committed to balancing the unique needs of its diverse community.


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Contact: Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595