Integrated Transportation Master Plan update highlights community priorities

November 30, 2022

Integrated Transportation Master Plan update highlights community priorities

Council has approved an updated master plan to guide how the County manages and invests in its transportation network. The Integrated Transportation Master Plan (ITMP) update addresses significant changes in regional and County growth and planning since the plan was first developed in 2012.  

“An effective and accessible transportation network is integral to a safe, healthy community and strong economy,” says Strathcona County Mayor Rod Frank. “Thank you to the residents, businesses and industry who provided feedback throughout the update. The ITMP’s priorities are based on the values you identified.”

The ITMP is a long-range planning tool requiring updates to align with planning and growth. The 2022 update was informed by public and stakeholder input along with technical and engineering studies, and coordination with County and regional planning. The community identified values and confirmed support for five priorities:

  • Safety: A safe transportation network for all users is fundamental to the well-being of the community.
  • Connectivity: A healthy community requires connections between the places you work, play and live.
  • Accessibility: The County’s transportation network will be accessible to all.
  • Efficiency: An efficient transportation system contributes to the well-being of our economy, ecosystem and residents.
  • Economy: Transportation investment will support industry and economic growth.

The update includes implementation strategies and recommendations for each priority.

Throughout engagement, the County captured key issues and confirmed and refined areas of importance. While discussions focused on trails, transit and alternative travel modes, a reliance on passenger vehicles as the primary travel mode was also identified. ITMP recommendations include exploring opportunities to expand the active transportation network as the County develops; and engaging with active transportation advocacy groups during active mode improvement planning.

Technical studies and review included Bremner, Local Employment Area, Cambrian and Ardrossan growth areas. The network will continue to function well through 25 years with a few upgrades required. Beyond the 25-year horizon, with continued growth, significant improvements will be required on major highway interchanges and high-volume intersections; and rail crossing delays are anticipated to increase. ITMP recommendations include working with industry and regional partners to improve infrastructure, support regional projects and connect employment and activity areas.

Connecting thousands of people and products to and from their destinations, whether driving, walking or cycling, Strathcona County’s transportation network is comprised of roads, sidewalks, trails and transit.  The ITMP supports planning, designing and building an effective and accessible transportation network for a safe, healthy community and strong economy.

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Contact: Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595